
The man can shop

"I neglected to realize that with this whole kid thing, it opens a whole new world of shopping potential," says Hubster after we poked our heads into a shi-shi children's shop today.

He says he's afraid to start looking for fear that he'll start shopping like a crazed man. And the thing that really tugs at my heart is I know he'll be good at it! He's already been researching the PERFECT car seat and if there are any other items to be researched, he's the guy for the job.

The shop tonight was adorable although they fared much heavier on the girl's clothing line. But there was a good amount of great boys clothing too. I don't think the fancy-pants shops are our style though--the precious sweater with a puppy on it was $86. We might resist that.

But the sweet floppy-eared bunny? And the wooden train on wheels? We were almost done for...


  1. I think it is so sweet that your hubby is doing all that research. Baby stuff can be insanely expensive but it's utterly adorable and well worth it.

    Good luck with the adoption process. I hope you have a speedy journey.


  2. Hubby sounds very sweet! Wishing you all the best with the adoption. My family is from Korea and it's a beautiful country.

    ICLW #96

  3. Not that I need anymore reason to go shopping, but that is funny to think about!

    Good luck with the adoption.


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