
The Waiting Game

Waiting. Waiting. Waiting.

I'm not sure if the waiting is the hardest part. I'm quite sure that it won't be the hardest part of this journey. Geez...we aren't even that far into the waiting, really.

But it sure is tough. Some days more than others.

When we told our families that we were adopting, back in April, all had been quiet on the baby front in our families.

Since that time, my brother-in-law and his wife announced they were pregnant and have had the baby, as did two cousins and a niece. Two more cousins just announced they are preg too, and they will likely have their babies before ours comes home.

That's a lot of babies who've arrived, all in the time since we've been waiting.

I try not to get frustrated. Try to not to be jealous. I've been making baby blankets, hats, socks, and plush toys non-stop--all for other people's tiny people. I remind myself that our baby will come at the right time for us. Our time will come.

I try to concentrate on this sweet time with The Man, where we can dream of parenthood, and fantasize about how our lives will be after the baby comes. We can continue to have all the parenting answers because we aren't parenting! We can still sleep in late. Go out for impromptu dates. And we are enjoying our lives as they are, spending time doing the things we love to do. It's not all miserable. 

But some days....the. waiting. is. frustrating.

For those of you waiting too, HERE'S a link to an Adoptive Families article, with advice from adoptive parents about surviving the waiting period.


  1. Thinking of you! The waiting is tough! Hope we're getting there! We've had people announce pregnancies and have babies in this time too. And we've had a recent announcement, I'm hoping we at least have a referral before their baby is born. Take care!

  2. Oh! I wish I had words of wisdom for you! What I hated the most was when people tried to console us as we waited for the travel call. You're in our thoughts!

    Speaking of births in the family, I have a nephew who is exactly two months younger than the boy we lost in domestic adoption. That's a tough one to swallow. Good thing he's a cutie! :)

  3. I'm so glad you're making the most of your wait, but you're right... it's SO DARN HARD!!! Just maximize that alone time, the freedom to do what you want, when you want, how lightly you travel when you go to the grocery, going out to the movies... do I really need to go on? Clearly, I need some alone-time :)
    But not to make light of your wait. It is SO excruciating. Esp when it feels like you're standing still and the rest of the world is moving on with its life and families. Hugs!

  4. We are waiting, too, for our referral from Korea. I am planning on heading over to that article about waiting next. Thank you for posting it. I am somewhat comforted to know that this wait can't be as long as our first adoption. (We waited 22 months for our daughter's referral!!)

  5. When we were waiting, it was so hard to see others moving foward with pregnancy and babies. It felt like we were standing still b/c we had no growing belly or baby milestones to measure the weeks and months.

    I'm glad you are taking advantage of your freedom and focused on the excitment the next phase of your life will bring.

  6. Oh, the wait. It is so. so. hard. I hear you and while each of our journeys had different time frames, when you have a child on your heart, it is really, really hard to be patient.

    Thinking of you and know that you can contact me to chat anytime - send a note, give a call, whatever. And if you are free on the 30th, we'd love to see you.

  7. waiting is rough. SO hard. and i think it got even harder once we had our referral and we saw his face and we wanted him in our arms immediately. every part of the wait has its challenges (i'm dying right now. dying!) and i am just holding on knowing that it will all be worth it in the end...

  8. tell me about it. I think its much worse that other people act like its a crime we are only half-way through our wait. Jeesh..like we can do anything about it..ha ha! Right now i am actually really enjoying my sleep so its not so bad. I'm sure next month will be a different story. You know how those holidays like to bring out the emotional feelings:)

  9. Waiting is so hard. The next wait will be even worse. But you will get through it somehow. Really, you will. Waiting just really stinks.


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