
Adoption, food and culture: The story of Grandpa Chili

Just found this great video, Grandpa Chili, about an international adoptive family and how they have explored their children's birth culture and family through food. In this case, the family has two children born in Korea.

I love this family's approach to incorporating birth culture into their everyday lives. The exploration starts with a basic thing that everyone can relate to---food. But that is just the launching point, and from there they foray into Korean culture, traditions, and discussions about the children's birth families in Korea.

This is much deeper than just making Korean food together. The process itself becomes common ground. Broaching the topic of birth families is not an easy thing to do. You don't want to constantly be talking about it, but you also want your children to know that you are open to these discussions and embrace who they are and the heritage they come from.

These type of conversations seem like they would come much more naturally when you are cooking Korean food together.

I know of others who have created new traditions in their homes through food. Friend and fellow blogger Yvonne at our korean american family has Korean Saturday night dinners which have become a much loved tradition in their home.

Of course, this approach isn't for everyone.

Check out the video. What do you think? I especially find Eli's construction of Grandpa Chili to be an interesting piece of the story. I think it's great how the family embraced his idea and even documented Grandpa Chili in a story book.

Makes me want to get out there and cook!

Grandpa Chili from 2 Beets And A Head Of Kale Produ on Vimeo.

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