
"Due diligence" recommended for a successful international adoption

A great post by a law firm in China, in response to the Russian adoptee situation out of Tennessee. He suggests due diligence on the part of adoptive parents to ensure the process goes as well as possible. Here's his practical advice for success.

First off, find out what you can about the U.S. agency you are using. What is its record? What sort of experience does it have with the country from which you are seeking to adopt? Talk to other parents who used that agency.

What about the orphanage from where your prospective child will be coming? What is its reputation? Again, talk to other parents.

What about the child you are considering for adoption? If you that child's mental and physical well-being will be a factor in whether you adopt him or her, you should consider retaining a physician and a mental health professional (in the country from which you are adopting) to independently assess the child you are considering for adoption.

On the legal front, the key (of course) is to make sure your adoption, and every step of it along the way, complies fully with the laws of the country from which your child comes and the country in which you live.

You can read the entire post here. And for the U.S. Department of State's information on intercountry adoptions, go here.

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