
Another great use for Gladware

© Cheese Curds and Kimchi
We found this little guy under our garbage can this AM. That's a way to wake you up! Thank goodness for the kitty alert, which didn't help in the wrangling of our visitor, but did help in realizing he was there. (BTW--Kitty is as dumb as a box of rocks, so spotting an occasional mouse is one of her strongest redeeming qualities.)

Of course, we chased him around the bathroom for a bit before The Man trapped him with our lovely Gladware.

I wondered how strange it would be to be plucked from your hideout under the garbage can, chased around a room by giant bipeds, and then put into an invisible barrier and lifted up into the sky. He didn't even flinch when that bright flashing light (my camera) kept going off in his face, but I guess it was all in a day's work for this guy.

Happy to report that all parties involved are completely fine, and the mouse has been relocated to a fine suburb, about 15 miles away.


  1. Aw... thank you for your kind rehoming of this little rodent :) My animal lover heart sings :)

  2. Glad the little guy is safe and sound. Thanks for being a nice person and not hurting him!

  3. I too being an animal lover am glad to read that the little critter didn't get "relocated" to the toilet. Crisis averted on all fronts. Not sure what either of my fat cats would've done. HA!

  4. Ewh. That Gladare is priceless. I hope enjoyed his trip to the suburbs.

  5. Yeah, I just don't know how anyone can kill these little things. And traps are so scary and mean. Besides, since The Man makes a living at saving animal's lives, it would be pretty hypocritical for us to end one!

  6. oh, man...glad you relocated him, too, but were i there, there would have been some screaming and climbing on furniture. ;)

  7. just looking at that picture freaks me out.


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