
New kid on the block

Many of you have been asking about photos. I'd LOVE to share them, and believe me, there are plenty! But until our adoption is finalized, we can't post photos of him on the blog. At least that's my understanding of the rules. So in the meanwhile, you'll have to settle for an occasional unidentifying pic of our sweet boy.

Little Man and his best friend Gus

Here he is, hanging out with Super Pug Gus. Gus has been a champ about his new mate. He's channeling his inner Border Collie and herds Little Man when he's venturing off. He's been patient with Little Man's spastic attempts at petting him, tolerant when he's used as an aid to help Little Man stand up, and is as good as any working dog, giving us a clear signal when Little Man needs to be changed! (He jams his nose right up Little Man's behind and snuffles around. That's when we know we should visit the changing station, stat.) Gus is also a huge help in the kitchen, volunteering to clean up the messes that have appeared under Little Man's high chair. And when our sweet boy has tears, Gus is quick to give kisses and try to make everything all better.

I swear, I don't know which little boy I'm more proud of.


  1. Sounds like things are going so well, sweet pic of the two boys hanging out!

  2. dogs and their boys are the BEST!!! so sweet!

  3. What a wonderful photo, even if I don't get to see sweet Little Man's face :)
    Too cute that Gus is his buddy!

  4. This is so sweet!

    Was your little guy scared of the dog at all? We have FOUR dogs (insane, I know) and I worry that our boy will be afraid.

    It's still a long way off (not even a referral yet) but worrying gives me something to do while waiting, right? :)


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