
The soon-to-be Dad

For the nearly 20 years we've been married, Father's Day has belonged to someone else. Our dads. Our grandfathers. Our uncles.

It was a nice card-sending holiday. We'd find a goofy card with a funny sentiment, and perhaps a little something to send in the mail to make our dad's smile. Heaven forbid we should send a tie!

But in all these years together, we've never celebrated The Man (AKA my husband) on this holiday.

Today, although we don't have our baby with us, I already know a bit of what type of father he will be.

He'll be loving but firm. I've seen glimpses of it in the way he treats our dog. Sometimes, in the quiet times, or when he's watching Gus at agility, The Man looks over at me with his eyes tearing up and that gentle smile on his face. He's proud of Gus's accomplishments and how he's grown up, even if he is just a dog.

I know he'll foster a love of adventure and exploration in our children. I learned that when I watched him play with our nieces and nephews when they were younger. He'd chase them around the yard, or get down on the floor and construct things with them. He'd help them put their new Lego kit together, but make sure not to give them too much instruction so they would feel a sense of accomplishment and know they were able to do it themselves.

I know he'll teach our child to be a good person, because he's a good person. He believes in doing the right thing, keeping your word, and following through on a commitment. These are foundations of his life, and I know he'll pass those on to Seoul Baby.

And of course he'll be protective over-protective. This I know from personal experience. I often receive lectures about being cautious and thinking things through if he thinks I'm doing something dangerous or risky (like using a sharp knife, balancing on the top of an unstable ladder, using a fork to get the toast out of the toaster, etc). It's his way of saying, hey, someone loves you and you need to take care of yourself and stay around.

Most of all, he'll be a rock of love and support. I am constantly amazed at his unwaivering strength, to help me keep going when I feel unable to. With that strength, I am able to face the world feeling I have someone in my corner. Our child will feel that beautiful gift of strength and love bestowed upon them as well.

Perhaps this will be our last Father's Day alone, just he and I. Soon all these great fatherhood traits will be put into action and used on a daily basis. The Man is going to be a fantastic father! I'm just lucky enough to be able to have a front row seat for the whole show.


  1. What a great way to describe "the Man". I know you are spot on from the short years I have known him. I also know he will have a great mom to compliment him.

  2. What a great post. I hope this is your last parents' day as nonparents!

    ICLW #41


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