
10-months and three days

Dearest Little Man,

As you sleep sweetly, your old mum is writing with a full heart. I know the day is nearly over, but I had to put this down while there are still a few hours left on the clock.

Today was a lovely day! We road tripped to Madison to spend the morning with friends from our Korean support group. You were a great travel companion. Too bad Daddy couldn't come but I was happy to have you to myself.

We sang songs on the drive and after about an hour you finally closed your eyes for a little catnap. I shifted my rear view mirror to get a better view of you as you slept, and marveled again at just how perfect you are.

It was a wonderful visit with our friends. Don't you wish we could do this more often? But we had to head back home, so we loaded up and hit the road once again. The drive back was just as fun. You entertained yourself by taking off your shoes and socks and shouting at trucks on the freeway.

Once we got home, Daddy was there waiting for us. We only had a little time together before I had to leave for work. And by all accounts, your afternoon with Daddy was just as nice.

But these things aren't what made today so special for me.

No, Darling. Today was special because you have been with us for 10 months and three days. Which is exactly 1 day longer than the age you were when you came home.

That means that you've been with us longer than away from us. We've been a family longer than we were apart. It's sort of amazing, isn't it?

Amazing and wonderful!

That's all I wanted to tell you, Babe.

Hugs and kisses,



  1. Crying! So happy to hear you've been a family for more of his life than you haven't been! Hugs!

  2. Loved reading this. Glad you guys are well. :)


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