
This film needs to be made: Geographies of Kinship

What is the definition of family? Is it who you are connected to by genetics? Or who you are connected to by the heart? Is there room for both? How are they different or the same?

I have often contemplated this and have since I was a kid. In our family we had plenty of people who were raising children they may or may not be connected to genetically. But we were family all the same. So genetics really never factored much into my definition of who was family.

But sometimes I had this strange pull...the attraction to (and wondering about) people I was genetically related to but didn't know. Were THOSE people family? How could I include them in the same circle of loving and reliable people that I defined as family? I needed a new definition for people that I was genetically related to and yet had no emotional connection to. I never found that definition...

Exploring the map of kinships continues to be an interesting topic to me, and filmmaker Deann Borshay Liem is fascinated with the topic too. She's currently raising funds for her third film about adoption. Borshay Liem is a Korean adoptee herself and has already made two films about the Korean adoption experience: First Person Plural was about her personal adoption story, and in In The Matter Of Cha Jung Hee,  Borshay Liem documented her search for a Korean girl who was supposed to be adopted to the U.S., and never was.

Borshay Liem in the final days of fundraising for the project. Here's her KICKSTARTER fundraising page if you are interested in more information.

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